It is the youngest one among all three winepress- houses. It was built at the very end of the 19th century and drawn on the cadastral map in 1897. As a new building, it is recorded close to the lot No. 250 (building E7). The layout repeats the aforementioned model of a two-storeyed winepress house with a granary, a hayloft and an underground cellar.
In 1907, the first documented owner was Jakub Michna from the house No. 42 in Vrbice, who possessed a smallholding with two cows, a sow, four suckling pigs and seven hens. The smaller extent of the farm can be a reason for the more modest dimensions of the winepress house. It was owned by the family as late as in the 1970, when it was measured, documented and built at the Open-Air Museum.