The building is located beneath the Kamenice tract of vineyards. The local winepress houses follow the row of similar houses beneath the Stará hora tract of vineyards, separated just by the road to the St. Antonius chapel above the vineyards. The cadastral map from the year 1827 recorded only several houses, immediately next to the Stará hora lodges, which must have become models for the new buildings. Thanks to the date in a cellar, we know the exact year of their origin – 1808. Martin Turizin from the house No. 66 in Blatnice was the then owner.
The layout is typical for the younger development in vintners´ buildings in the region. The dimensions of the winepress house are determined by the size of the linked-up vineyard. The narrow dimension of the front side is offset by the considerable length of the built-up area. The overhung roof shades the only entrance in the front wall. The large area of the winepress room covers the front part of the building. From its rear part, one can enter the slightly recessed cellar above which is a low half-storey adapted as a store room. The large spindle wine press comes from the time, when the winepress house was built. The carved year dates it back to 1812.